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Friday, December 15, 2023

Moderna Valuation. Cancer Treatment


Moderna Inc, the American biotechnology company is undervalued according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s revenue and profitability projections and estimates.

Yesterday, Moderna announced a new medicine that treats advanced stage melanoma, skin cancer relatively successfully, according to the latest trials:

"At a median planned follow-up of approximately three years, mRNA-4157 (V940) in combination with KEYTRUDA reduced the risk of recurrence or death by 49% (HR=0.510 [95% CI, 0.288-0.906]; one-sided nominal p=0.0095) and the risk of distant metastasis or death by 62% (HR=0.384 [95% CI, 0.172-0.858]; one-sided nominal p= 0.0077) compared to KEYTRUDA alone in stage III/IV melanoma patients with high risk of recurrence following complete resection"

One of Moderna's goals is to develop anti cancer vaccines and medicines. Relying on messenger RNA technology, Moderna is one of the most advanced medical companies of today. Its messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccine was a blockbuster and it still sells well today, as many countries like Austria, for example are experiencing coronavirus bouts. COVID-19 is here to stay with humanity, all be it in a lesser intensity and Moderna's vaccine is still going to sell for billions of USD a year in the near future, according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate view.

Moderna's intrinsic value is 123 billion USD, compared with Moderna's current market capitalization of 32.74 billion USD. Wolfteam Ltd.'s house view is that Moderna will be able to sell its COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine for between 5 to 8 billion USD a year in the next 5 to 7 years on average. On top of that Moderna will develop successfully cancer vaccines and pharmaceuticals for different stages and different types of cancer.

In addition, the coronavirus 2020 - 2022 period showed that Moderna Inc, by selling its COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine can achieve 66 % net profit margin profitability a year, which is extremely high profitability, even for a pharmaceutical company.


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