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Friday, December 22, 2023

Amazon And AI

Amazon is using artificial intelligence, AI as part of its Amazon Web Services offering.

Amazon is the leader in the more than 500 billion USD annual revenue cloud computing market with a 40 % market share.

Cloud computing is based on artificial intelligence, AI algorithms.

Amazon's usage of AI and its cloud computing advantage could bring Amazon's market capitalization to 3.1 trillion USD from the 1.59 trillion USD current Amazon's market capitalization , according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s revenue and profitability projections.

What is more, the huge amount of information Amazon gathers via its services, cloud computing mainly, could be better stored, managed, analyzed, modeled via artificial intelligence, AI and prescient insights be derived with which Amazon could better its cloud computing offering and serve more and better targeted advertisements. Internet advertisements is already more than 10 billion USD in annual business for Amazon.

All in all, the artificial intelligence, AI promise makes Amazon undervalued

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