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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Visa, Mastercard, American Express And Bitcoin. Fintech


The combined market capitalization of Visa, Mastercard, American Express is almost 1 trillion USD.

Visa, Mastercard, American Express along with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are considered the epitome of financial technology, fintech today. So most possibly, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies' intrinsic value is 1 trillion USD + and here is the implicit assumption that Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies or crypto for short do not take over Visa, Mastercard, American Express' business lines.

I remember reading years ago an estimate that the global banking business is worth 10 trillion USD.

Bitcoin, crypto are challenging modern banks' businesses via payments transfers first. So if Bitcoin, crypto achieve 'monopoly', which Peter Thiel has famously said is 'every business' goal', Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies market capitalization could surpass 10 trillion USD.

For now, Bitcoin, crypto are a niche player, but with huge potential.

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