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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Bitcoin Is Undervalued On Both Mistrust And Blockchain

Bitcoin is undervalued because people do not trust, so much as before, their governments and their authorities, agencies and banks like the Federal Reserve, The European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, The World Bank, The European Investment Bank, The Asian Development Bank and so on.

So people are looking for a reliable, safe, anonymous, uncluttered, ubiquitous and almost untraceable way to transfer and spend money. And Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum come into the fray.

Distrust and fiat money inflation and depreciation brought into existence Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, crypto in the first place. People and firms do need a more efficient and faster way to transfer money, store wealth and account for transactions. All three are features of money, which paper currencies and their derivatives do not seem to do to 100 % or even to a lesser percentage base, in fact.

Blockchain is a huge advancement, according to Wolfteam Ltd. Although the mathematical tree algorithm on which Blockchain is based is well known for decades, its application to widespread, general public usage like Bitcoin mining and crypto transactions is fairly unique and historical.

In a way, it resembles Google, the search engine's way of leveraging social insight via reference links to automate search via artificial intelligence or simply put using mathematical algorithm models.

Blockchain mathematics gets so complicated that Blockchain, cryptocurrencies transaction become (almost) untraceable.

The Law should be upheld, though!

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