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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Apple Strategy In The Cloud


Apple Inc, as evidenced by Steve Jobs' reported conversation with Drew Houston, the founder of Dropbox Inc, had serious intentions about cloud storage and ultimately cloud computing very early on, in 2013.

Cloud storage is a very important function for Apple's iPhones, iPads, Macintosh's and the whole Apple suite basically, since it ensures portability of data, analysis and enhances Apple Inc's software capabilities.

Apple wants to keep users engaged on iPhones, iPads and Macintoshes. That is why being able to store and access portable files is so important for Apple. Portability of files, namely music files and the iPod, basically, kept Apple Inc alive.

The whole world is moving towards portable, cloud computing. Now people share so many pictures, videos which require huge computing power resources that are available only to the biggest corporations, for now. Being able to tap into these resources according to a company's needs proves very valuable and hence the cloud computing businesses of Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google cloud are booming.

Apple Inc, for now, has more humble goals and needs the iCloud to be reliable storage for the information on its iPhones, iPads, Macintosh's. However, information or data is the new oil.

'Whoever possesses the information, rules the world', the saying goes.

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