Sooner or later cloud storage, especially for the masses would be financed by ads.
Stocks valuations, analysis. Unbiased. Insightful. Property of Wolfteam Ltd., If you find the blog useful, LINK TO Stocks, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, AI, analysis, insights. CLICK ADVERTISEMENTS, SHARE ON SOCIAL NETWORKS! Technology, Bitcoin, AI, company strategy, stocks analysis. Stocks, crypto involve high RISK! Nothing on this blog is meant or should be construed as investment recommendation to buy or sell securities or their derivatives!
We are in a new commodities bull-market super-cycle driven by military hostilities which increase the demand for base metals, oil, natural gas, silver, gold, wheat, corn.
In times of military encounters commodities tend to outperform, because people then turn back to basics.
#mergers #mergersandacquisitions #capitl #capitalraising #valuations #AI #AImodeliing #MarketRisk #Ml
Tesla's current market capitalization is approximately 803 billion USD.
Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate view is that Tesla's intrinsic worth is 100 billion USD in case of net profit margin* of (-) 30 % in the next 5 years, 120 billion in case of net profit margin of (-) 20 % in the next 5 years, 140 billion USD in case of net profit margin of (-) 14 % in the next 5 years, 160 billion USD in case of net profit margin of (-) 10 % in the next 5 years, 170 billion USD in case of net profit margin of 0.00 % in the next 5 years, 180 billion USD in case of net profit margin of + 5.00 % in the next 5 year and 235 billion USD in case of net profit margin of + 10.00 % in the next 5 years**
In short, Tesla Inc needs an electric vehicle production technology breakthrough to stay alive, viable and valuable, according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s view.
*All profit margins above are WITHOUT** the US and international subsidies per Tesla electric car unit.
#mergersandacquisitions #capitalraising #valuations
#venturecapital #privateequity #intermediation
70 % no, 30 % yes is Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate opinion.
If World War III, WWIII erupts commodities and commodities' stocks and oil and oil drillers' stocks could go sky high, especially.
Base metals' miners stocks prices also could explode.
Even as we speak conventional weapons' power is so extreme that a raging World War III with conventional, no nuclear weapons, no nuclear arms deployed, God forbid, would destroy the life we live, in its current form, at least.
Stock exchanges would remain open in case of WWIII is Wolfteam Ltd.'s view, because war must also be financed, together with feeding, agricultural stocks and heating and transporting, supplying with energy, oil and gas, the world's population.
By the way, Google's blog post dictionary corrects WWIII as WWII, so apparently large part of the word agrees with my forecast that World War III is NOT unavoidable!
Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital raising, Valuations
Bulgaria, Eastern Europe
Base metals and the companies mining, producing them are undervalued, according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate opinion.
We currently live witness a super-regional a military conflict and at the same countries all over the world are rearming them with fast speed.
All the newly produced, designed and planned military equipment requires huge tonnage of ferrous, base metals and increases the demand for the metals mined by mining companies like Vale, Rio Tinto, BHP Group, Anto Fagasta, Glencore, Freeport MacMoRan, Anglo American etc.
It is correct that the slowing economy brings less demand for cars, houses and the automobile and home industry are a big natural consumer of base metals.
That said, Wolfteam believes that military demand will outweigh a possible mild recession, at least in the short-term, driven car manufacturing and home building slowdown.
Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital raise, Valuations, AI modelling
Bulgaria, Eastern Europe
It is inexplicable why the price of gold has not risen more on the backdrop of a military encounter, 10 trillion USD of newly printed money in the last 10 years and political uncertainty.
Gold has historically been a safe haven.
Gold and gold stocks are basically undervalued according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate opinion.
Blockchain, the hashing tree algorithm, models jumping, nonlinear, chaotic like 👍 processes.
Blockchain models chaos, actually.
That is why blockchain is so valuable.
Chaos can be modelled to an extent is Wolfteam Ltd.’s corporate opinion.
Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital raising, Valuations, Artificial Intelligence, AI modelling
Bitcoin mining requires huge computing resources, which only cloud ☁️ computing can provide.
So the rise of cloud computing is to a significant extent due to Bitcoin mining and cryptocurrency trading.
Dropbox, Box, Amazon, Microsoft, Splunk, DocuSign, Alphabet etc. are all cloud stocks that are overvalued significantly for the next 5 years, but undervalued for the next 10-15 years, according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate view
Cloud computing driven by artificial intelligence, AI algorithms is the current trend that defines humanity's development for the next 10-20 years by most, if not all accounts.
Videos, video games, documents work, tables editing is all supporting by computing, which is moving slowly but surely to a large extent to the cloud facilitated by AI computer algorithms.
As with most new, but promising technologies, there will be over-exaggeration and temporary financial bubbles, which have to be policed and ultimately endured for the greater good.
Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital raise, Valuation
Bulgaria, Eastern Europe
Investment flows that earlier went into physical gold, gold futures and electronic spot gold, especially, are moving into Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, because investors view the cryptocurrencies, crypto asset class as a new wealth safe haven.
We are on the brink of World War III and people do not seem to trust governments and hence they invest in Bitcoin, Cardano, Ethereum, XRP, Dogecoin and other cryptocurrencies Crypto seems to be 'king', for the moment, at least.
Wolfteam Ltd.
Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital raising, Valuations
Value, CAPITAL creation in Bulgaria, Eastern Europe.
Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies have gained traction as a means of payment of high anonymity.
This is due, of course, to the publicly vetted blockchain hashing tree algorithm that due to its complicated set of procedures leaves very little and difficult to track traces.
Russian, Ukrainians are using heavily Bitcoin, crypto for transactions.
People like anonymity of financial transactions in many cases. That is why, Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies transactions are here to stay and they will gain more and more traction in time is Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate opinion.
Wolfteam Ltd.
Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital raising, Valuations
Bulgaria, Eastern Europe
Petar Posledovich
Sole Proprietor
+359 887 49 68 62
Russia is a world's top 3 exporter in many vital commodities like oil, natural gas, liquefied natural gas, gold, silver, platinum, palladium diamonds, wheat, corn, iron, steel, aluminum etc. The list is not extensive.
Possible major production disruptions in the Russian Federation could bring about a glut of oil, natural gas, liquefied natural gas, platinum, gold, silver, platinum, palladium diamonds, wheat, corn, iron, steel, aluminum etc.
Which could cause the prices of oil, natural gas, liquefied natural gas, gold, silver, platinum, palladium diamonds, wheat, corn, iron, steel, aluminum etc. to go up very quickly and the commodities producing companies' stocks mining and harvesting these assets both in Russia, but also the world over, could also go up significantly is Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate view.
In addition, many people, also Russians and Ukrainians are investing, using Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies to transact financially and hold, hoard their wealth. Add to that the almost full anonymity of cryptocurrencies transaction and Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate view is that the current havoc in Russia will raise the prices of crypto assets, with Bitcoin possibly reaching and/or surpassing 50 000 USD in 2023 even is Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporation forecast.
Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital, Valuations, AI modelling and advisory
Bulgaria, Eastern Europe
The current crisis in Russia that unfolds before our eyes could drive the price of oil, natural gas, gold, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies higher.
Oil and gold tend to rise in times of uncertainty. Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies' possible price in USD increase is an interesting potential development to observe.
Inflation could also rise significantly along with the price of oil, of course. Interest rates levels the world over could also rise, which will sink technology stocks' prices globally is Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate view.
Bitcoin, Crypto seem to be an investment substitute for gold investing.
Gold is undervalued, according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate view. By extension, so are Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies.
Since Bitcoin was introduced in 2013 and started rising in price in 2015, gold's price first fell a lot and then did not recover or rise excessively.
That is odd, since interest rates are rising OK, but 10 trillion USD + have been created/printed/added to the economy by central banks, there is a supra-regional military conflict and high inflation on top of all that, which is a confluence of factors that usually, almost always historically leads to a higher gold price or pressure for the price of gold to rise.
Apparently, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are working as an investment and safe haven alternative to gold
With 7 500 USD subsidy for each car, Tesla is unprofitable and it is doubtful that Tesla will ever report 'real' profit.
Currently, Tesla's workforce of engineers, mathematicians, coders and electric vehicles technology is worth 120 billion USD, according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate view.
Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital, Valuations
Bulgaria, Eastern Europe
Bitcoin is undervalued because people do not trust, so much as before, their governments and their authorities, agencies and banks like the Federal Reserve, The European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, The World Bank, The European Investment Bank, The Asian Development Bank and so on.
So people are looking for a reliable, safe, anonymous, uncluttered, ubiquitous and almost untraceable way to transfer and spend money. And Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum come into the fray.
Distrust and fiat money inflation and depreciation brought into existence Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, crypto in the first place. People and firms do need a more efficient and faster way to transfer money, store wealth and account for transactions. All three are features of money, which paper currencies and their derivatives do not seem to do to 100 % or even to a lesser percentage base, in fact.
Blockchain is a huge advancement, according to Wolfteam Ltd. Although the mathematical tree algorithm on which Blockchain is based is well known for decades, its application to widespread, general public usage like Bitcoin mining and crypto transactions is fairly unique and historical.
In a way, it resembles Google, the search engine's way of leveraging social insight via reference links to automate search via artificial intelligence or simply put using mathematical algorithm models.
Blockchain mathematics gets so complicated that Blockchain, cryptocurrencies transaction become (almost) untraceable.
The Law should be upheld, though!
Apple Inc, as evidenced by Steve Jobs' reported conversation with Drew Houston, the founder of Dropbox Inc, had serious intentions about cloud storage and ultimately cloud computing very early on, in 2013.
Cloud storage is a very important function for Apple's iPhones, iPads, Macintosh's and the whole Apple suite basically, since it ensures portability of data, analysis and enhances Apple Inc's software capabilities.
Apple wants to keep users engaged on iPhones, iPads and Macintoshes. That is why being able to store and access portable files is so important for Apple. Portability of files, namely music files and the iPod, basically, kept Apple Inc alive.
The whole world is moving towards portable, cloud computing. Now people share so many pictures, videos which require huge computing power resources that are available only to the biggest corporations, for now. Being able to tap into these resources according to a company's needs proves very valuable and hence the cloud computing businesses of Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google cloud are booming.
Apple Inc, for now, has more humble goals and needs the iCloud to be reliable storage for the information on its iPhones, iPads, Macintosh's. However, information or data is the new oil.
'Whoever possesses the information, rules the world', the saying goes.
Currently, we live in times of upheaval, if not war.
Bitcoin should benefit from all that is Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate opinion.
Many financial transactions in Russia and Ukraine are done via cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin. Bitcoin is proving remarkably resilient, adaptable, holding on in times of stress.
Republicans and Democrats in the US congress recently closed/did a deal on the debt ceiling.
The immediate result is that until the end of 2023, 1.3 trillion of USD of US debt securities must be successfully issued.
This historic supply of US treasuries by the US government, ranked third after the 2008 Great Recession and the 2020 COVID-19 issuing activity increase, will put upward pressure on US treasuries' yields and probably lift them up above 4.00 % for the 10 year US treasury.
US 10 year treasury yields above 4.00 % will make the United States Dollar, USD appreciate and put downward pressure on global stocks' prices, US technology stocks, especially, could suffer the most. This effect will be magnified by the Federal Reserve curtailing its balance sheet
However, there is more than 10 trillion USD of created, printed that is, money, that is already multiplied two times, at least, according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s admittedly 'back on the napkin' estimates.
All this free liquidity could provide support for US stocks, for the prices of US equities of technology companies in particular and they can even rise, instead of falling as orthodox economic theory dictates.
Bitcoin's price could easily surpass 100 000 USD in 3 years is Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate opinion.
The blockchain algorithm is the single, most profound, disruptive, distributed, democratizing technology in decades.
And Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies are the single, most encompassing financial technology, finance asset class driving finance developed in the last two centuries.
Some cloud computing stocks like Dropbox Inc, Box Inc, Spotify Inc, Block Inc, formerly Square Inc, and so on are in deep value territory, according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate view.
They are undervalued by a lot. The reason for this, according to Wolfteam Ltd. is partly indiscriminate selling by computer algorithms, mainly relying on seeing/reading the word cloud in quarterly reports and selling impromptu and over-leveraged both institutional and individual investors, who sold indiscriminately.
Part of the reason for undervaluation of some smaller, startup like cloud computing companies, may be the dominance of Amazon, Microsoft, Google in cloud computing, storage especially, but that oligopoly taken into account, Dropbox Inc, Box Inc, Spotify Inc, Block Inc do seem to hold significant, unrealized, locked value.
Crypto is undervalued on blockchain disruption.
Blockchain, Coinbase and Robinhood Markets are companies that are undervalued on cryptocurrencies' potential, according to Wolfteam Ltd.
Only in the last less than 30 days even, GitLab Inc, the online code repository's stock, doubled in price.
GitLab is still undervalued, according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s.
Currently, GitLab Inc's market capitalization is at 7.83 billion USD.
Wolfteam Ltd.'s view is that GitLab is worth at least 37 billion USD in mid-term intrinsic value and possibly 100 billion + USD, if GitLab's online, team software code repository writing, being part of the in 10 years forecasted more than 700 billion USD Infrastructure as a Service, cloud computing market revenue size, offering's strategy is done right, both in technology and marketing and sales terms.
Basically, Crypto, Cloud and AI is a possible trinity.
Bitcoin's mining is done practically almost always in the cloud, at least partially, and with artificial intelligence algorithms.
One of the factors explaining AI's explosion is mining Bitcoin and proliferation of cryptocurrencies. The algorithms underlying the cloud were also developed to a greater extent partially due to the need for more computing power to mine Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is the single biggest financial innovation in decades. It captures the imagination of the general public akin to the rise of the Internet. More and more people are active in Bitcoin mining and cryptocurrencies investing which are powered by artificial intelligence, AI algorithms and computed and stored in the cloud.
Cloud computing, being a force in itself driven by algorithms, makes for ever more efficient and exact Bitcoin mining which enlarges the crypto asset class and thus begets new investments.
Crypto, Bitcoin, Cloud And AI are a powerful combination which now and in the future will be driving the development of computing, the Internet, information and as naturally follows innovation.
Amazon is the leader in cloud computing with its Amazon Web Services, AWS suite.
Jeff Bezos was quote as saying that Amazon Web Services, AWS suite 'was just something we had, APIs apparently he means, built for various purposes and we just assembled it together and started offering it to customers as a new product'.
AWS is Amazon's main, if arguably not the only money maker, by earning net profit margin of circa 20 % + and the main reason Amazon is valued at more than 1 trillion USD.
Amazon's future strategy is apparently centered on making AWS ubiquitous. The main advantage of cloud computing services like AWS is that they can be tailor made, AWS is cost efficient usage of very powerful computing resources, which are difficult to get.
Amazon is trying to build in more and more Artificial Intelligence, AI in its AWS, because artificial intelligence or AI modelling and forecasting is the newest and hottest mega trend in technology today and for the next 10 years, according to many analysts, investors and creators of emerging technology.
Amazon AWS AI offering still needs improvement and that could only come by hiring the best engineers, mathematicians and economists. That is to a large extent why Amazon is building second headquarters, so as to tap into the potential of many more skilled US citizens, naturalized including.
Actually, by succeeding in gathering, researching and analyzing information via Artificial Intelligence, AI, Amazon could boot tremendously its main internet merchandising business. In addition, Amazon is very active in online advertising with yearly revenues exceeding 10 billion USD, which could also be advanced by correct Artificial Intelligence, AI modelling and decision making.
In short, Amazon as most other technology companies have staked their future on Artificial Intelligence, AI or computer algorithms.
One has to diversify in business is Wolfteam Ltd.'s corporate view.
Supplemental Financial Information and Business Metrics (in millions) (unaudited) |
Q3 2021 |
Q4 2021 |
Q1 2022 |
Q2 2022 |
Q3 2022 |
Q4 2022 |
Y/Y %
Segments |
North America Segment: |
Net sales |
$ |
65,557 |
$ |
82,360 |
$ |
69,244 |
$ |
74,430 |
$ |
78,843 |
$ |
93,363 |
13 |
% |
Net sales -- Y/Y growth, excluding F/X |
10 |
% |
9 |
% |
8 |
% |
10 |
% |
20 |
% |
14 |
% |
N/A |
Net sales -- TTM |
$ |
272,819 |
$ |
279,833 |
$ |
284,711 |
$ |
291,591 |
$ |
304,877 |
$ |
315,880 |
13 |
% |
Operating income (loss) |
$ |
880 |
$ |
(206 |
) |
$ |
(1,568 |
) |
$ |
(627 |
) |
$ |
(412 |
) |
$ |
(240 |
) |
17 |
% |
F/X impact -- favorable |
$ |
14 |
$ |
32 |
$ |
42 |
$ |
61 |
$ |
95 |
$ |
76 |
N/A |
Operating income (loss) -- Y/Y growth (decline), excluding F/X |
(62 |
)% |
(108 |
)% |
(147 |
)% |
(122 |
)% |
(158 |
)% |
53 |
% |
N/A |
Operating margin -- % of North America net sales |
1.3 |
% |
(0.2 |
)% |
(2.3 |
)% |
(0.8 |
)% |
(0.5 |
)% |
(0.3 |
)% |
N/A |
Operating income (loss) -- TTM |
$ |
10,423 |
$ |
7,271 |
$ |
2,253 |
$ |
(1,521 |
) |
$ |
(2,813 |
) |
$ |
(2,847 |
) |
(139 |
)% |
Operating margin -- TTM % of North America net sales |
3.8 |
% |
2.6 |
% |
0.8 |
% |
(0.5 |
)% |
(0.9 |
)% |
(0.9 |
)% |
N/A |
International Segment: |
Net sales |
$ |
29,145 |
$ |
37,272 |
$ |
28,759 |
$ |
27,065 |
$ |
27,720 |
$ |
34,463 |
(8 |
)% |
Net sales -- Y/Y growth (decline), excluding F/X |
15 |
% |
3 |
% |
0 |
% |
(1 |
)% |
12 |
% |
5 |
% |
N/A |
Net sales -- TTM |
$ |
127,982 |
$ |
127,787 |
$ |
125,897 |
$ |
122,241 |
$ |
120,816 |
$ |
118,007 |
(8 |
)% |
Operating loss |
$ |
(911 |
) |
$ |
(1,627 |
) |
$ |
(1,281 |
) |
$ |
(1,771 |
) |
$ |
(2,466 |
) |
$ |
(2,228 |
) |
37 |
% |
F/X impact -- favorable (unfavorable) |
$ |
24 |
$ |
(58 |
) |
$ |
(79 |
) |
$ |
(231 |
) |
$ |
(216 |
) |
$ |
(331 |
) |
N/A |
Operating loss -- Y/Y growth (decline), excluding F/X |
(330 |
)% |
(533 |
)% |
(196 |
)% |
(526 |
)% |
147 |
% |
17 |
% |
N/A |
Operating margin -- % of International net sales |
(3.1 |
)% |
(4.4 |
)% |
(4.5 |
)% |
(6.5 |
)% |
(8.9 |
)% |
(6.5 |
)% |
N/A |
Operating income (loss) -- TTM |
$ |
1,066 |
$ |
(924 |
) |
$ |
(3,457 |
) |
$ |
(5,590 |
) |
$ |
(7,145 |
) |
$ |
(7,746 |
) |
738 |
% |
Operating margin -- TTM % of International net sales |
0.8 |
% |
(0.7 |
)% |
(2.7 |
)% |
(4.6 |
)% |
(5.9 |
)% |
(6.6 |
)% |
N/A |
AWS Segment: |
Net sales |
$ |
16,110 |
$ |
17,780 |
$ |
18,441 |
$ |
19,739 |
$ |
20,538 |
$ |
21,378 |
20 |
% |
Net sales -- Y/Y growth, excluding F/X |
39 |
% |
40 |
% |
37 |
% |
33 |
% |
28 |
% |
20 |
% |
N/A |
Net sales -- TTM |
$ |
57,164 |
$ |
62,202 |
$ |
67,140 |
$ |
72,070 |
$ |
76,498 |
$ |
80,096 |
29 |
% |
Operating income |
$ |
4,883 |
$ |
5,293 |
$ |
6,518 |
$ |
5,715 |
$ |
5,403 |
$ |
5,205 |
(2 |
)% |
F/X impact -- favorable (unfavorable) |
$ |
(58 |
) |
$ |
83 |
$ |
163 |
$ |
335 |
$ |
478 |
$ |
468 |
N/A |
Operating income -- Y/Y growth (decline), excluding F/X |
40 |
% |
46 |
% |
53 |
% |
28 |
% |
1 |
% |
(10 |
)% |
N/A |
Operating margin -- % of AWS net sales |
30.3 |
% |
29.8 |
% |
35.3 |
% |
29.0 |
% |
26.3 |
% |
24.3 |
% |
N/A |
Operating income -- TTM |
$ |
16,803 |
$ |
18,532 |
$ |
20,887 |
$ |
22,409 |
$ |
22,929 |
$ |
22,841 |
23 |
% |
Operating margin -- TTM % of AWS net sales |
29.4 |
% |
29.8 |
% |
31.1 |
% |
31.1 |
% |
30.0 |
% |
28.5 |
% |
N/A |