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Monday, March 21, 2022

Bitcoin Will Outperform the Nasdaq Composite Over the Next Decade

I forecast the price of Bitcoin will outperform the Nasdaq Composite Stock Market Index point growth, both expressed in percentages, over the next 10 years.

Information technology and technology stocks are a leveraged investment on the global economy and future technological progress. 

Bitcoin is a leveraged investment on information technology. Bitcoin simply uses the existing technology infrastructure, utilised by the underlying blockchain algorithm to harness the power of electronic money to store, measure and account for wealth, which are the main characteristics of money.

Bitcoin saves corporations and people time, effort and money via saving the hustle to do bank transfers and leveraging information technology's computer algorithms.

Progress and technology revolutions come in waves, so Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies' development will ebb and flow, but ultimately change how we live, in my humble opinion.

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