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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Snap Inc, Snapchat's Owner Is Undervalued

Snap Inc, Snapchat's owner is undervalued, according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s projections and estimates.

As with most high growth, low profitability technology companies, Snap Inc is very sensitive to monetary policy. The moment monetary policy becomes looser by the Federal Reserve lowering interest rates levels or printing outright money by government bonds purchases, companies like Snap Inc, Snapchat owner's market capitalization shoot up to the sky. In opposite, when monetary policy is tightened, the market capitalization of companies like Snap Inc tanks.

Snap Inc's stock price and respectively market capitalization can rise fourfold in the short term from the current 24.98 billion USD.

Snap Inc, the onwer of Snapchat's intrinsic value is 122 billion USD, in Wolfteam Ltd.'s view.

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