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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Petroleo Brasileiro 1 Quarter 2024 Earnings

Petroleo Brasileiro or Petrobras reported its Q1 2024 earnings yesterday.

Net profit was 3.239 billion USD for 1st Quarter 2024, compared with 9.652 billion USD for 1st Quarter 2023. Petroleo Brasileiro's stock price open today with near 10 % fall, paring after that the decline.

Petrobras is also a dividend play. Yesterday, there weren't any major dividends' changes announcements. Which turns the attention to Petrobras' underlying main business are of deep sea oil production.

Petroleo Brasileiro is undervalued, according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s projections and estimates.

Petroleo Brasileiro's intrinsic values is around double + 10 % its current market capitalization of 100.00 billion USD, in Wolfteam Ltd.'s view.

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