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Friday, May 31, 2024

Oil Drillers Mergers


There have been several recent mergers and acquisitions in the oil sector in the US.

There are conditions for this trend to continue, according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s projections and estimates.

Oil and oil drillers are undervalued. So there is still more room for consolidation to pursue future growth.

Exxon Mobil, world's largest oil producer has a market capitalization of 519.16 billion USD compared to the trillions of USD each that the Magnificent seven AI companies Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, Meta, NVIDIA and Tesla, outside Tesla sport.

Much of the economy is a leveraged play on oil, so Exxon Mobil and the other oil majors and mid sized companies are all valued significantly below their intrinsic values, 40 % on average, in Wolfteam Ltd.'s view.

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