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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Technology Company With The Most Potential In The Age Of AI


The company with the most potential in the age of artificial intelligence, AI is Alphabet, the parent of Google, according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s projections and estimates.

The main reason for Alphabet's potential dominance in artificial intelligence, AI is the huge treasure trove of millions of terabytes of data Alphabet has gathered via its Google search engine, YouTube, AdSense, Android, Play Store and other properties.

Alphabet has just to refine its algorithms to model, extract and put the data into production of new applications. Which is easier said than done, of course.

The Large Language Models with billions of parameters that OpenAI's ChatGPT uses have long been used by Alphabet in Google search. OpenAI's ChatGPT just used more parameters using higher computing power, but Alphabet quickly caught up.

Microsoft owns 49 % of OpenAI.

Alphabet, the Google owner just has to refine its models to produce more insights and its market capitalization will soon start to reflect the enormous AI potential hidden in Alphabet, Google's data treasure trove.

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