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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Digital Ocean Valuation


DigitalOcean, the developer cloud company is currently valued at 4.62 billion USD.

I estimate the intrinsic value of DigitalOcean at 25 billion USD.

DigitalOcean offers website hosting, web & mobile apps, video streaming hosting, gaming development on a cloud infrastructure surface.

The cloud computing market and namely the cloud as infrastructure vertical which makes around 70 % of the total cloud computing revenue is dominated by Amazon, Microsoft and Google Cloud part of Alphabet.

I have long had an eye on DigitalOcean as a technology company. DigitalOcean possesses the knowhow to take an ever larger and growing niche in the cloud computing and the cloud as infrastructure in particular market.

And the revenue from cloud computing is forecast to surpass 700 billion USD a year 7 years from now.

Compared to other cloud companies with predominantly around 20 billion USD market capitalisations, DigitalOcean does seem undervalued, as far as I am concerned,

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