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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Artificial Intelligence

The hashing algorithm is the foundation of blockchain, which underlies the mining or creation of Bitcoin and the hashing algorithm is artificial intelligence epitomised, so Bitcoin is nothing short than the cutting edge of artificial intelligence.

If one invests in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies which rely on Bitcoin's blockchain for their underlying infrastructure, one is practically investing in artificial intelligence. Many research analysts claim blockchain will define the future of many key industries of the global economy like banking, capital markets, real estate, healthcare, online merchandising etc. Virtually no industry could be left untouched by the hashing algorithm which seems to provide great efficiencies. That is, it saves people money, time and effort. 

Due to its distributed ledger nature, Bitcoin's blockchain is remarkably agile, adaptive and lively. Antifragile as Nassim Taleb would say. Many of the world's greatest achievements like nuclear arms or lately the coronavirus vaccines have been developed in cooperation or through global team work. Essentially game theory or the study of human interaction defends the basic idea that we, humans, are much better off cooperating with each other. And since Bitcoin is mined by the people to be used by  the people, it is bound to flourish if unforeseen highly negative impact or black swan events do not happen.

I forecast Bitcoin's price will surpass 100 000 USD in 5 to 7 years from now.

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