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Friday, August 20, 2021

Bitcoin's Value

Bitcoin is undervalued. I would estimate that currently Bitcoin is worth 100 000 USD.

Bitcoin is money 2.0. Fast, electronic, efficient and saving time, effort and money.

Bitcoin in addition is serving as cryptocurrencies' infrastructure, blockchain, which will slowly flow into other industries like banking.

A new boom in individual cryptocurrencies issuance will soon flourish again.

Cryptocurrencies minted by individual predominantly technology start ups fill up a void in seed and venture capital financing. As any other financial asset in history Bitcoin is prone to excessive price rises or price declines.

Things will settle down, however. People's psychology is the key to gradual adoption of Bitcoin.

People do like new things which save them time, money and effort. Paper money is cumbersome but still useful. Part of its role will be taken up by Bitcoin.

I see infrastructure for Bitcoin growing at many places throughout the world. 

One of the things missing is big corporations or governments standing behind Bitcoin. Facebook, Tesla and Square have already expressed support for Bitcoin in many ways.

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