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Friday, August 9, 2024

AI Stocks Could Drop 30 % More. In the Long-Tem AI Stocks Are Undervalued


The Magnificent 7 AI stocks, namely Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, Meta, NVIDIA and Tesla could fall 30 % more from current levels.

In the long-term, all Magnificent 7 AI stocks could prove undervalued on AI's potential. Outside Tesla, which has to achieve a technological breakthrough to become sustainably profitable, in order to remain a viable going concern company long-term.

Artificial intelligence, AI's potential could prove larger than even the internet, since AI's main fuel is data gathered from the internet. AI's potential has 10-20 years more to come full fruition, in Wolfteam Ltd.'s view.

That is why, AI and AI stocks could prove well undervalued in the long-term.

1 comment:

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LinkedIn Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/petar-posledovich-5236123/ I recently worked for almost 3 years as a Senior Expert at United Bulgarian Bank AD, part of KBC Group solely doing Market and Counterparty Risk. Before that I worked for 2.5 years as Chief Expert, Market and Counterparty Risk in DSK Bank, part of OTP Bank. I have interned for 2.5 months with Deutsche Bank AG, worked for 8 months as Market and Counterparty Risk Manager at ING Wholesale Banking and for 1.4 years as Investment Associate at Unicredit Bulbank AD, Bulgaria. Since November 2010 until July 2017, I was a Research Analyst at the Bulgarian National Bank, where I analyzed financial markets for managing Bulgaria's foreign currency reserves in an efficient manner. I hold a Master of Science in Applied Mathematics(Financial Mathematics) and BA in Economics from Sofia University 'St. Kliment Ohridski' I have done 1.5 year of graduate studies at the University of Constance, Germany and Erazmus academic exchange year studies at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. I am a Licensed Investment Consultant by the Bulgarian Financial Supervision Commission