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Monday, August 12, 2024

NVIDIA Valuation. Three AI Scenarios

In the negative scenario for AI, the poster stock of AI's market capitalization could fall to 700 billion USD from the current 2.69 trillion USD market capitalization. In a negative scenario, AI will change our world and the global economy, but figuratively speaking to the tune of only 20 % of what Wall Street equity research analysts, investors and technologists are currently extrapolating.

In the neutral scenario, where AI changes the economy to 50 % of what people are expecting, the current 2.69 trillion USD of NVIDIA market capitalization could prove a good pivot point where NVIDIA's intrinsic worth lies.

In the positive scenario where artificial intelligence, AI lives to 100 % or even 120 % of market expectations, NVIDIA's intrinsic worth could prove around 8 trillion USD. In such an optimistic scenario AI will profoundly change the way we work, live, study, communicate etc.

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