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Thursday, August 17, 2023

Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies As A Wall Street, Investment Banking Disruptor


2015 was a stellar year for Initial Coin Offerings, a way to offer cryptocurrency tokens to the public.

In 2015 the Securities And Exchange Commission effectively banned the Telegram, the Russian founded messenger application Initial Coin Offering.

This event in practice outlawed all other up and coming ICOs.

Initial Coin Offerings were for all intents and purposes a way to circumvent The Securities and Exchange Commission’s stringent Initial Public Offerings of securities regulations.

This in turn made Initial Coin Offerings a genuine disruptor of IPO’s, one of Wall Street investment banks’ most lucrative business.

The recent Ripple court decision, whereby Ripple is defined not to be a security, but a kind of token could change the above dynamics and bring Initial Coin Offerings back into vogue.

Which could upend one of Wall Street investment banks’ most profitable business lines, namely Initial Public Offerings or at least deprive Wall Street investment banks from a new lucrative revenue stream.

Time will tell. Wolfteam Ltd.’s view is that Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies will be allowed to endure.

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