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Monday, July 24, 2023

Commodities Stocks


Commodities stocks are undervalued, all over.

Oil producing companies' stocks in general should have a market capitalization 2.3 times higher than current, on average. Gold producing companies' stocks should have 3 times higher market capitalization on average.

Wheat and corn producing companies should have 3 times higher market capitalization on average, than their current market capitalization.

Base metals producing companies' market capitalization should be 1.7 times higher on average.

Commodities producing companies are undervalued in general, partly due to the fact that much capital flows into top technology companies. 

Commodities producing companies' undervaluation will not last long is Wolfteam Ltd. www.wolfteamedge.com corporate opinion.

The Russian Ukraine conflict is a likely catalyst for the ceasing of the commodities' current erroneous valuation.

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