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Sunday, January 29, 2023

Bitcoin As a Store of Value

Money has three main characteristics: 1) Sore of Value, 2) Unit of Account, 3) Means of exchange.

Bitcoin fulfils only partially the three main features of money.

Store of value does not function 100 % for Bitcoin, because of Bitcoin's price volatility or risk.

Stable-coins are a partial soltution of this problem.

In my opinion, what is needed for Bitcoin's price risk to subside is for both the market authorities and cryptocurrencies market participants in some sort of way to help, nudge the cryptocurrency community to self police better and to build more stable crypto exchanges.

Once the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency infrastructure is in place, more and more institutional investors like hedge funds, asset managers and even pension funds and endowments will enter the cryptocurrencies market.

This will take more time than in the past with stocks for example, since the main advantage of the Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies market is that it is free, unregulated and otherwise untempered by governments and regulators.

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