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Thursday, January 26, 2023

Bitcoin And Cryptocurrencies Companies Stocks

Currently, the prices of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been rising in the past month driven by lower inflation, which improves stock market sentiment. In short, risk taking is back on.

The most obvious selection of companies that stand to possibly benefit from the current risk taking environment in Bitcoin, crypto and stocks' prices are Coinbase and Robinhood.

Coinbase is practically a Bitcoin and crypto bourse that collects fees as a middleman from participants in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies investments. Robinhood Markets is a stock and crypto brokerage company, the main business of which comes from relatively young retail investors, many of them technologists and financiers, but also from many other professions.

As far as I am concerned, Coinbase's market cap can rise 7 times from its current level in the next 7 years, while Robinhood's market capitalisation can rise also 7 times from its current levels in the next 7 years. 

The 4x7 numbers are coincidence. Really. 😀

I think Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are not only a large part of the future of finance, financial intermediation and financial markets, but also a huge driver for the future success of humanity via the blockchain algorithm, that underlies Bitcoin and thus creates the cryptocurrencies asset class.

Simply because the hashing tree blockchain adapts, changes that is.

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