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Sunday, September 11, 2022

The Current Technology Stocks Nasdaq Bubble. Has It Popped?

No. The current dot-com bubble has further to go.

The Nasdaq Composite, I think it will fall around 30 % from current levels.

In the mean time, however, we could, in my humble opinion witness a significant bear market rally whereby the Nasdaq Composite could rise 15 % from its current points level.

I think a potential Nasdaq Composite bear market rally can go until the end of October 2022. Then, when November comes and the cold sets in, inflation will rise significantly again, global central banks will be forced to raise interest rates levels significantly and this will plunge the global economy into a recession, corporations and consumers, especially will face difficulties repaying their loans with the higher interest rates, the crisis will spill into the banking sector and we could, potentially witness a 2008-2009 style sudden stop of capital flows, interbank especially.

After the fall, however most technology stocks will be deeply undervalued and will be bargains, I forecast. 

Many of them will become the proverbial ten bagger stocks.

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