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Sunday, September 11, 2022

Possible China Taiwan Invasion. Risks for Stocks


Russia invading Ukraine has started a chain reaction of possibly exploding long held dormant conflicts.

China's long held rivalry with Taiwan is a case in point. China considers Taiwan its territory. USA sending politicians to Taiwan is only stoking the pressure and long held tensions.

If China invades Taiwan, the first reaction will be Apple Inc, the Mac, iPad, iPhone producer stock and respectively market capitalisation falling by more than 50 % in the space of several weeks.

As witnessed by the Apple 7th September event, news on Apple tend to exert huge influence over technology stocks mainly represented on the Nasdaq Composite and by extension over the broader US stock market and further on global stock markets due to the interconnectedness of the global economy.

Apple Inc makes more than 300 billion USD a year in revenue and a huge, broad chain of suppliers will be affected if Apple Inc runs into trouble if China invades Taiwan. These suppliers have suppliers of their own and the chain reaction will go on and affect the whole microprocessing chips industry and thus almost all industries globally, since nowadays most production processes, automobiles, machines and so on are run by computers.

If China invades Taiwan, Apple Inc's stock will fall by 50 % and global stock markets leading indices could fall by 25 % in the space of several weeks.

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