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Monday, September 6, 2021

Bitcoin's Value Proposition

Bitcoin is currently trading at around 52 000 USD. So the general market thinks there is value in Bitcoin, despite many technology research analysts at investment banks, or even hedge fund legends like John Paulson saying Bitcoin is worthless.

So how does actually Bitcoin create value? Bitcoin provides the infrastructure for the cryptocurrencies market which supports the issuance and trading of all other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Dogecoin, Lite coin etc. Yes, currently Bitcoin does not produce cash flows back to investors holding it, but never have Amazon or Google or Facebook paid out any dividends also

Cash, like United States Dollars, also does not produce dividends. It just provides the infrastructure of our modern society. Bitcoin is USD 2.0, but it is just in electronic form. A new global, electronic reserve currency.


So, I am firmly convinced, excluding a Black Swan event like governments outlawing Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies in general, which I would deem as only 0.05% probable, Bitcoin will only thrive into the future

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