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Saturday, June 29, 2024

How To Value Information?

How to value information seems to be one of the most important questions of our time. 

Artificial intelligence, AI is taking the world by storm and data 📈 information is the fuel for the AI models.

Marc Andreeesen proposed to value every software engineer that works for a technology company at 1 million USD. This could be applicable for an AI engineer as well, but the figure could be 1.2 million USD for each artificial intelligence engineer.

Some companies like Tesla can viably be valued on the software engineers, AI engineers, financiers they employ. Since Tesla without the tax credits and other subsidies is inherently unprofitable.

In addition, Alphabet, Google’s owner, Meta Platforms, Facebook’s owner possess treasure chests of users information, which could be even better modelled via AI algorithms and even better monetized.

Each set of eyeballs could be set a price. 350 USD for example, so Meta Platforms’ user base could fetch a 1.150 trillion USD valuation for Meta Platforms. Google, part of Alphabet’s 6.2 billion set of eyeballs could bring in 2.2 trillion USD valuation for Alphabet, not far away from Alphabet’s current market valuation.

Of course, the set of eyeballs could be differently weighed according to engagement.

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