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Thursday, January 4, 2024

Microsoft's Market Capitalization Is About To Surpass Apple's Market Capitalization


Apple's current market capitalization is 2.87 trillion USD. Microsoft's current market capitalization is 2.754 trillion USD.

Apple is currently the most valuable company. In the world. Microsoft, driven by the promise of artificial intelligence, AI and its OpenAI's share of 49 % is gaining ground on Apple.

In short, Microsoft on comparables basis is overvalued in comparison with Apple, according to Wolfteam Ltd.'s view. OpenAI's ChatGPT cannot substantiate almost 3 trillion USD market capitalization for Microsoft. Microsoft's Price/Earnings ratio of circa 36 is higher than Apple's Price/Earnings ratio of 30.04. Market participants forecast too high a growth rate of both revenue and net income of Apple and Microsoft.

Both Apple and Microsoft are overvalued by 30 % and 50 % currently. If the information gathered by both Apple and Microsoft  is modeled via artificial intelligence, AI for valuable insights, on an exponential scale, than such developments could substantiate Apple and Microsoft's market capitalization's in the long-term.

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