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Saturday, November 12, 2022

Can Tesla's Stock Price Go to Zero?

Yes. I think it can.

Frequently, in blogposts on this blog I have estimated Tesla's intrinsic worth at 120 billion USD which I deem is the value only of Tesla's electric vehicle production technology and the quality and skills of Tesla's staff.

However, I have frequently written here that if Tesla cannot achieve a technological breakthrough and find a way to produce electric cars with consistent profitability, it can go out of business and Tesla's stock price can go to zero.

Now that Elon Musk, Tesla's CEO is devoting a large part of his time to Twitter I doubt that Tesla is being managed very well.

And Tesla, although it has vast cash reserves still needs government subsidies and external funding to remain a going concern in the mid-term future.

So, if markets do not turn positive and if Elon Musk underestimates Tesla's business and mishandles the electric vehicle manufacturer's management, Tesla could well go bankrupt.

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