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Friday, June 10, 2022

Cryptocurrency Valuation

Yes, cryptocurrencies do not fit in very well into the traditional discounted cash flows, comparables, asset base and precedents models for valuing an asset.

Normally, by valuing a company, you are "valuing" the future. 

And Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are actually the future, as far as I am concerned.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are the new way to store, account for and transfer wealth.

Away from the hands of governments.

The blockchain algorithm will change, upend, disrupt everything we know.

Why am I so optimistic on cryptocurrencies?

Because cryptocurrencies save people effort, in other words Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies make humanity more efficient.

I forecast Bitcoin's price will surpass 200 000 USD in 10 years time.

Other, more obscure cryptocurrencies are a leveraged vehicle on Bitcoin and should rise more multiples that the main cryptocurrency.

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