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Saturday, July 2, 2022

Open Source Code Production Could Eventually Disrupt Everything

Since the time of Linus Torvalds, open source code production or the opportunity for other software developers to see the code of "your" software and be able to improve it has been predicted to become a multi-trillion USD business opportunity.

Microsoft and other tech behemoths have helped this not to happen, according to many analysts.

Actually, I think open source code production's intrinsic value could reach 10 trillion USD in the next 20 years on smart companies like GitLab, Alphabet, Google creator developing next generation applications based on open source.

The cloud where GitLab and Alphabet both see their future is a hugely interesting open source code production application. Simply because cloud computing is the future of computing.

GitLab's innovative code repository could provide the answer to many questions. While Alphabet is Google, which democratised information. But dark clouds seem to have entered search engine's paradise as of late.

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