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Sunday, July 3, 2022

Is Cloud Computing Efficient As Oligopoly?


Cloud computing, the most promising market of our time is dominated by three major participants - Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud, part of the parent company Alphabet.

In short, it is way too dangerous and inefficient to leave the cloud to be an oligopoly.

Everybody is doing computing, computes and all computing will sooner, rather than later be done in the cloud.

I am a free marketeer, but here is where the US government mainly must get involved, as they did when they took apart Bell Labs, pushed aside IBM, pressed Gates's Microsoft and now are tackling Alphabet and Meta so as to foster competition.

GitLab and HashiCorp are interesting opens source git code repository and modular cloud offerings which are steps in the right direction to promote competition.

Sooner, rather than later many new promising cloud startups will sprout. The US government must make sure, however, that the technology giants, Amazon especially do not stifle the new entrants.

The free market, as introduced by Adam Smith will do the rest.


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