
Disclaimer: The blog posts and comments on this blog and posts on social networks are not investment recommendation, are provided solely for informational purposes, and do not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities. The opinions expressed on the blog are Petar Posledovich's. Petar Posledovich does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented on this blog and social networks. The information presented is "as is". The blog is stocks analysis and valuation, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, Artificial Intelligence, AI, deep-learning focused. Independent, unbiased AI insights. Petar Vladimirov Posledovich is not liable for any investment losses incurred by reading and interpreting blog posts on this blog and posts on social networks. Conflicts of interest: I may possess some of the securities, currencies or their derivatives mentioned in the blog post and posts on social networks! The blog is property of Wolfteam Ltd. www.wolfteamedge.com Respectfully yours, Petar Posledovich

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Can Bitcoin Rival the USD?

Yes, Bitcoin is, as far as I am concerned and according to many analysts, USD 2.0 in electronic form and after more than 12 year from now.

Why? Because paying via USD paper format and even the electronic form is still expensive and is imbued with way too many inefficiencies, which Bitcoin will solve. Other cryptocurrencies will ride the wave.

Blockchain will change everything. Innovation is like water, it will find its way into finance again, sooner, rather than later.

Traditional, banking, corporate and retail, investment banking and fin-tech will all be upended/ disrupted/transformed/changed/made more efficient by Bitcoin and crypto. It will just take time.

In my humble opinion.

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