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Sunday, July 24, 2022

How to Marry Bitcoin, Crypto And the Cloud?

Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and cloud computing are arguably the most important information technologies of our time.

How to combine them?

Actually, crypto and the cloud are already together, since Bitcoin production and the generation of other cryptocurrencies is done in the cloud via powerful could computing.

Yes, Bitcoin mining is usually produced with on premise powerful computers and servers, but the validation and the actual creation of the Bitcoin currency is done via cloud computing collaboration of hundreds of millions of users which have to approve, validate and accept the small bits that create one Bitcoin.

In fact, since Bitcoin mining requires such huge computing resources, cloud computing seems to be made for crypto mining. Crypto and cloud looks like a marriage made in haven. Individuals and firms will need very powerful computing to mine Bitcoin and process cryptocurrency transactions. And the current leaders in cloud computing like Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Alphabet Google Cloud can provide these immense resources, which small and medium enterprises currently do not have the scale for.

However, smaller, young, technology startups like GitLab, HashiCorp could provide an even cheaper way for small and medium enterprises to access cloud computing and mine, create Bitcoin and handle other cryptocurrencies transactions.

The integration of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and cloud computing is actually one of the most exciting technology verticals of our time.

I am a libertarian and a firm believer of financial technology and Bitcoin is the best manifestation of financial technology since centuries arguably. And cloud computing is promising to democratise large scale, super computers servers's power for small and medium enterprises. 

The oligopoly structure of cloud computing with the dominations of Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Alphabet Google Cloud is threatening the possible huge efficiencies that the cloud provides. 

Bitcoin and cloud computing will see further integration and the technology startups that find the ingenuity, agility, and cooperative ability to ride this wave will make huge waves.

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