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Friday, January 20, 2023

Cloud Computing Future

All in all, cloud computing is the future of computing.

Simply because you pay as you go. Especially now that the computing requirements associated with big data analysis, Bitcoin production and supercomputer power are rising exponentially.

Yes, trust is difficult to gain. That is why back in the past many companies had at first their own electricity generators and were reluctant initially to rely wholly on the electric power grid. Slowly, but surely large corporations started relying almost solely on main grid electricity power plants for electricity production.

They still keep their own mini power plants on premise though.

With cloud computing, the case seems to be similar. Snapchat and Spotify, for example rely on Amazon Web Services, the cloud computing business of Amazon for their large part of their computations.

That said, though, both Snapchat and Spotify have significant computer resources in house.

Basically, it seems computing today is an exercise in information risk management for both people and corporations.

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