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Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Cryptocurrencies As A Financing Vehicle. As Of 11th April 2023

In 2015 cryptocurrencies issued as tokens by many young technology companies were very popular as a financing vehicle.

Actually, crypto financing via Initial coin offerings or ICOs are the way Silicon Valley and the broader technology community tries to disrupt Walls Street investment banks and venture capital funds' hold on financing young, fledgling businesses. 

The large VC funds are not that many, while the main Wall Street IPO banks are not more than 10, in reality.


Cryptocurrencies are a way to democratize financing.

Wall Street, Silicon Valley venture capital fund can coexist and benefit to a great extent from Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

'Move fast, break things' can be rephrased as 'Move fast, break not much, but also mend and finally create'.

Wall Street and Sand Hill Road just have to be nimble, agile and lean.

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